
  • Turn off the lights: Switch off both your aquarium and room lights before opening the box.
  • Float the bags: Open the box, remove the individual bags from the liner, and float them in your aquarium for 15-20 minutes. This helps the water in the bags gradually adjust to your tank’s temperature.
  • Gradual water mixing: After floating, transfer the contents of the bags into a sterile bucket or container. Add small amounts of your aquarium water every 3-4 minutes, continuing until the water in the container has doubled.
  • Dispose and add more water: Once the water level in the container has doubled, dispose of half of it and continue adding your tank water until the water volume in the container has doubled again.
  • Acclimated and ready: Your marine life is now properly acclimated and ready to be added to the tank. Be sure to dispose of the packing and acclimation water—never pour it into your tank.
  • Observe: Leave the lights off for a while and monitor your new tank mates for any signs of aggression.